NBERIC reviews 12 research proposals

By Crisdeniele H. Clemente


Twelve biomass-aligned research proposals were evaluated by the National Bioenergy Research and Innovation Center (NBERIC) based at Mariano Marcos State University during its first in-house research review at the NBERIC auditorium on October 6.


The review included research proposals which may be implemented toward community sustainable development. Divided into four categories, five proposals were under the Bioenergy Feedstock and Sustainability and Management theme; four were on Green Fuel Generation and Technology; three on Renewable Energy Systems and Integration; and three on Socio-Technopreneurial Studies and Sustainable Development of Bioenergy.


Dr. Bjorn S. Santos, NBERIC director, expressed enthusiasm about the potential research studies, and hoped the in-house research review would kickstart real-world adoption of renewable energy knowledge and technologies.


For her part, MMSU President Shirley C. Agrupis challenged the faculty and full-time researchers to explore innovations, saying “We must upscale NBERIC, so we can truly stay on the forefront of bioenergy research for the Philippines.” (HLY/JVBT, StratCom)
