Undergraduate Admission Policies/Requirements


  • New Freshman
    1. Original Copy of Form 138 (High School Card Report)
    2. MMSU College Freshman Admission Test (CFAT) Rating Reports
    3. College Admission Slip
    4. Medical Examination Permit
    5. Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
    6. One (1) 1”x 1” ID picture
  • Transferee
    1. Transfer Credential Eligibility or Honorable Dismissal
    2. Certificate of Grades on courses taken; General Weighted Average must be at least 2.5
    3. MMSU CFAT Rating Report for those who transfer with less than 30 units of credit
    4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Guidance Counselor or Dean of previous institution attended.
    5. Birth Certificate issued by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
    6. Validation of courses taken in a private institution where the grades are below 2.75 or 80%.
  • Old/Returning Students
    1. Form 5 (Latest Registration Form)
    2. College Clearance (latest)
  1. Registration Period. All students should be registered in the days specified for enrolment in the University Academic Calendar.
  2. Admission is thru online system. Visit student portal (https://mys.mmsu.edu.ph) and follow the procedures.
Scholarships and Grants
  • Academic Scholars
    1. College Scholarship is awarded to a student who obtains a weighted average of 1.75 to 1.46.  He enjoys free tuition fee and a stipend of 1,000php for the semester.
    2. University Scholarship is awarded to a student who obtains a weighted average of 1.45 to 1.00. He enjoys free tuition and a stipend of 1,500php for the semester.
  • Privately-funded Scholarship. Guidelines are specified by the donor of the scholarship.


Cross Registration

A bonafide student of MMSU may be allowed to cross-enroll in another institution by using a written permit from the University Registrar duly endorsed by the Department Chairman, Adviser and Dean of the College provided that:

  1. the course description of the subjects to be cross-enrolled in another institution is essentially the same as that of MMSU;
  2. the subject is not offered during the semester/summer term or is offered during the term but cannot be enrolled due to conflict in schedule which cannot be resolved.
Fees and Other Costs
RA 10931


Academic Load and Credit
  1. One unit of credit shall be at least 18 hours of instruction per semester in the form of lecture, discussion, seminar, tutorial, a combination of these forms, or equivalent laboratory field/laboratory work.
  2. The normal load during the semester shall be as prescribed in the curriculum.
  3. Only graduating students shall be allowed to carry an overload of 6 units or a maximum of 28 units during their last term.
  4. A student enrolled in practice teaching shall be allowed to carry an additional load of six units provided that these are non-major subjects.
Dropping of Courses

A student may, with the consent of the instructor/professor and dean of his college, drop a course by filling out the prescribed MMSU Form 5C on or before the prescribed dropping period in the Academic Calendar. After three-fourths (3/4) of the total class hours prescribed for the semester/summer has lapsed, a student maybe allowed to drop a course only by reason of illness, duly certified by the University Physician and approved by the University President.

 A student can drop his/her subject/s thru student portal (https://mys.mmsu.edu.ph) and follow the procedure.

A student who drops a course without the approval of the dean of his college shall have his registration privileges curtailed or entirely withdrawn.

Class Attendance

No student shall be allowed to register in any subject after the lapse of 12 percent of regular class meetings. Time lost by late enrollment is considered time lost by absence. It is counted against the student when detemining the required period of class attendance.


Regardless of scholastic standing, a student is automatically dropped from the subject and given a grade of 5.00 when he has been absent for more than 20 percent of the required number of hours. However, if the majority of the absence is excused for good reason, the student is merely dropped from the subject by putting the mark “OD” (officially dropped) in his grade sheet.


Excuses are for time missed only. All work covered by the class during the absence should be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor/professor within a reasonable time from the date of absence.


If a student decides to withdraw from his classes due to prolonged absence for good cause, he must file an application for leave of absence (LOA) to enable him to obtain honorable dismissal and not forfeit the privilege to re-enroll at the university.


Leave of Absence (LOA)

A leave of absence is non-enrollment of a student in the university for one semester subject to renewal. Prolonged leave of absence should be requested in writing to the Dean of the College where a student is enrolled. Any student requesting for LOA should state the reason for which it is desired and specify the period of leave which must not exceed one academic year.


For LOAs availed of during the second half of the term, the faculty concerned shall indicate the class standing of the student (Passing or Failing) at the time of the application for the leave.


If the student withdraws after three-fourths (3/4) of the total number of hours prescribed for the course had already elapsed, professors/instructors concerned may give him a final grade of 5.00 if his class standing at the time of his withdrawal is below 3.00.


No LOA shall be granted within two weeks before the last day of classes. A student who withdraws from his college without an official LOA shall have his registration privileges curtailed or entirely withdrawn.


Grading System

To motivate students to attain a highly favorable attitude towards scholarship and to achieve uniform evaluation and recording in the tertiary and graduate levels, the following revised grading system has been adopted effective the second semester of SY 2000-2001:

1.00 - Excellent    3.00 - Passed
1.25 - Highly Outstanding   4.00 - Conditional
1.5 - Outstanding    5.00 - Failure
1.75 - Very Good    Inc - Incomplete
2.00 - Good   S - Satisfactory
2.25 - Very Satisfactory   IP - In Progress
2.50 - Satisfactory   Drp - Officially Dropped
2.75 - Fair         

A grade of 4.00 means conditional failure. It may be removed by successfully repeating the course or by passing a re-examination. If a student passes the re-examination, he is given a grade of “3.00”; if not, he is given a grade of ” 5.00”. Only one re-examination is allowed and must be taken within one academic year from the date the grade of “4.00” was received. It the condition is not removed within the prescribed time, it becomes a “5.00” automatically.


A mark of “Inc” is given if a student whose class standing throughout the semester is passing but failed to take the final examination or to complete other requirements for the subject due to illness or other justifiable reasons accepted by the instructor or professor. A grade of ‘Inc” must be removed within one academic year from the date the grade was given, otherwise, the student shall be given a grade of ‘5.00” by the University Registrar.


Faculty members shall not allow any student to remove a grade of “Inc” or “4.00” without a Removal Permit which is obtained from the Registrar’s Office and duly approved by the Dean and University Registrar.


If a student is unable to complete an “Inc” grade or remove a grade of “4.00”, he may earn credits for the subject only by repeating and passing it.


A regular period for removing/completing grades of “Inc/4.00” is scheduled before the start of each term.


Scholastic Delinquency

All undergraduate students are expected to obtain a general weighted average (GWA) grade of at least 3.00 in all subjects enrolled in order to receive a baccalaureate degree.

  1. Warning Status. An undergraduate student is on warning status if he obtains a final grade of 4.00 or below in 25% to 49% of his academic load in a semester. A grade of  “Inc” which is not completed before enrollment will be counted against the student. His academic load in the succeeding semester is reduced by three units.
  2. Probation Status. A student who gets  a grade of 4.00 or below in 50% to 75% of his academic load in a semester is placed under probation and his load in the succeeding semester is reduced by six units.
  3. Dismissal Status. A student who gets a grade of 4.00 and below in more than 75% of his academic load in a semester is automatically dismissed from the University. Any student who fails in 100% of his academic load in a semester shall be permanently barred from re-admission to any academic unit of the university.


Honorable Dismissal

Any student who wishes to stop schooling or to withdraw  from his studies must submit an application for honorable dismissal signed by the parents/guardians. The application should be endorsed by the adviser, department chairman, and college Dean and approved by the University Registrar.


Residence Requirement and Maximum Residence Rule

A student is in residence when he is registered for course work or thesis work in the campus or works in absentia, with prior approval by his adviser and the members of his advisory committee.


Students pursuing four-year degree programs are allowed only five academic years from the start of their undergraduate work. Those pursuing five-year degree programs shall be allowed only six academic years from the start of their undergraduate work, except for the degree programs of Engineering which is seven and a half (7.5) academic years. The maximum residence rule (MRR) to complete a degree includes the period when the student is on LOA. In general, a student who exceeds the MRR may be given an extension of only one semester if he is going to graduate in that semester. No further extension will be given.


Information on this matter for graduate students is indicated under Graduate School Policies.


Academic Dishonesty


A student who has committed dishonesty may be placed on probation, suspended or expelled in any of the following acts to academic depending on the gravity of the offense:

  1. Plagiarism
    • submitting a term paper, examination or thesis written by another
    • failure to give credit in a footnote and to use quotation marks for ideas quoted from another.
  2. Cheating in examinations or aiding another to commit any dishonest act.
  3. Forgery, misrepresentation, or misuse of documents, records or identification cards in the university.


Classification of Students
  1. A full time student is  registered for formal academic credits and carries the full load for  a given semester under the curriculum in which he is enrolled.
  2. A deloaded student is registered for formal credits, but carries less than the full load for a given semester under the curriculum in which he is enrolled due to academic delinquencies.
  3. A transfer student comes from another institution and is registered after qualifying for admission in the University.
        A working student is employed on a full-time or part-time basis.


Program Changes

A student may shift/transfer to another curriculum in the same or another college/unit provided that:

  1. He satisfies the entrance requirements for that curriculum.
  2. He is not under dismissal status due to scholastic delinquency.
  3. His requests for transfer using the prescribed form, and such request is approved by the adviser, department chairman, deans or both colleges, and the University Registrar.


Clearance of Students
  1. Students must clear all their financial and property obligations before the final examination. This means that every student must pay all his/her financial obligations and return all properties borrowed or rented from the University. In case a University property is lost, the student pays for it before the final examination.
  2. A student can obtain his examination permit from the Cashier’s Office only if he has been cleared from his/her financial and property obligations.
  3. Faculty members must not allow a student to take the midterm/final examinations without an examination permit. Students must present their examination permit at the start of the examination for each subject. Every instructor/professor must initial the permit of each student.
  4. The Cashier Office shall prepare a list of students with financial or property obligations. This is used to determine the students who can be given an examination permit.
  5. University personnel must report to the Cashier’s Office any financial or property obligation of students not later than one week before the start of the midterm/final examination.


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