23 MMSU students, 3 faculty members complete Sutherland SCALE training

By Adrianne Lorenzo Corpuz


MMSU hosted the first-ever SCALE training in the country. 


Twenty-three English Language students and three faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences - Department of Languages and Literature completed a 10-day skills enhancement training conducted by Sutherland at the Center for Flexible Learning on November 20 to December 01.  


Dubbed “Skills on Culture And Language Enhancement” or SCALE, the training aimed “to bridge the gap between knowledge and skills as it leverages technical competence with communications training.”


Prior to SCALE, Sutherland selected qualified ‘trainers’ from the faculty members of the Department of Languages and Literature through its Global Language Assessment (GLA). Prof. John Vincent Toribio, Prof. Ryan Roi Domingo, and Ms. Leah Mae Gaor, were chosen to partake in the Master Certifications Training. They later co-facilitated the enhancement training for the students, where they were trained on customer service, English proficiency, job interview, and one-on-one speaking. 


Representatives from Sutherland, Mr. Victor Emmanuel Aguilar Jr., their director-academe connect and Ms. Ann Marie Macaspac, Senior Associate Manager of GLA Talent Acquisition, expressed their excitement for the event. Ms. Macaspac hoped that the 23 students would “maximize” their experience and get the best out of it. 


MMSU President Dr. Shirley C. Agrupis stressed the importance of the training as the university strengthen its ties with global companies like Sutherland. 


In November this year, MMSU and Sutherland signed a memorandum of agreement for student and faculty development. In March, Sutherland visited the campus for a student leadership training.(JVBT, StratCom)
