Interim Grading System

MMSU Interim Grading System

1. Numeric grades will be given to students.

2. Grades shall be computed from available indicators gathered before and after the quarantine period.

3. For laboratory classes, grades will be computed based on available indicators. To address the other competencies that the students need to develop which were not yet covered before the lockdown, the laboratory instructor shall continue to provide learning materials that the students can access virtually.

4. Utmost consideration should be exercised during this time of crisis, considering the economic, mental, and psychological impact on students and their families, such that no student should receive a failing grade (i.e., Only grades between 1.0 and 3.0 shall be given. In no case shall a student receive 4.0 or 5.0).

5. Students who have already reached the maximum number of unexcused absences prior to the ECQ shall be considered dropped.

6. In cases where non-graduating students will not be able to complete the requirements until the prescribed deadline, a grade of ‘in Progress’ should be indicated. Completion of requirements should be done within one year without prejudice to pre-requisites. Once the student completes the coursework or satisfies course requirements, he / she will be given a numeric grade (1.0 to 3.0).

7. In the application of the Maximum Residency Rule (MRR), the Second Semester, AY 2019-2020 shall not be included in the computation of length or residency.
